The Usual Batch Of Character Assassinations
The principal singer and keyboardist of the KBC Band, Marty Balin and Tim Gorman, look, respectively, like Vidal Sassoon after a rough week and the bank teller you see picking his nose behind the “Business” section of USA Today on the bus to work every morning.

The principal singer and keyboardist of the KBC Band, Marty Balin and Tim Gorman, look, respectively, like Vidal Sassoon after a rough week and the bank teller you see picking his nose behind the “Business” section of USA Today on the bus to work every morning. And after them, it’s all downhill.
Over on stage right, you’ve got a guitarist Mark "Slick” Aguilar, who has both one of the three or four worst haircuts in rock today and a moustache that somehow accentuates the haircut’s unsightliness. He is wearing an ugly sweater that does nothing to conceal his overweightness. And a short dangling earring.