David Lee Roth’s Revenge
The system of law in New Guinea involves a concept loosely defined as “payback.”

The system of law in New Guinea involves a concept loosely defined as “payback,” which means if one village has wronged another, that village is dutybound to extract revenge. Once that indiscretion has been avenged, the entire cycle starts all over, the back and forth skirmishing fueled by the fact each tribe speaks an entirely different language.
As Bwana David Lee Roth explains this law of the jungle, I immediately focus on how accurately it reflects the current feud ongoing between the lead singer and his ex-mates in Van Halen. In the weeks leading up to the release of his own solo effort, Eat ’Em And Smile, the media heats up with the success story of his former band, chortling over Diamond Dave’s misfortunes and expressing their relief about being rid of his overbearing presence and media manipulation.