Video Video
Let’s face it—given the choice, most of us would rather be somewhere else, not where we are.

Let’s face it—given the choice, most of us would rather be somewhere else, not where we are. People have been dreaming about faraway places and faraway lands ever since the first caveman and his wife went over to the second caveman and his wife’s house for brontosaurus dinner and the first caveman’s wife, upon returning home, started complaining about the shabby state of their standard of living as compared to the Jonestones (“You call this a loin cloth?”), leading hubby to go out for a ride on the pet pterodactyl and wonder about what life might be like on the other side of the tar pits. Next thing you jjjhew there were cave drawings, j|boks, music, radio, movies and |§levision—all designed to make * forget our troubles by whiskjjg us away to the imagined Measures of Treasure Island, Sjgantasy Island, the Virgin llplands and Gilligan’s Island, like the ad says, get on that Honda...And do what? Escape.
j Many, in fact most, of the jjjjusic videos one sees are little Bore than fantasy trips; rock Bars getting a chance to go and Bay make-believe. This has led Btely to a proliferation of what JJjbpears to be a real growing Bend—namely, the “travelog” Bdeo. Now let me quickly say Bat the travelog video must be Bstinguished from the “on the Bad” video; I am not speaking IJjpre about those Ratt or ScorBons or Hooters or Heart clips Baturing “documentary” footage of the gang on the bus doing “amusing” things (although Bio admit that the Journey video B which Steve Perry shaves off Is moustache is my personal Bvorite in that particular genre). Bo, I’m talking get-out-thejjpmera-picture-post-card-viewpake-way-for-the-slide-show Und of travel-related videos, the kind that Duran Duran have managed to base a career on, like the one they filmed in urn, what place was that?...starts with an “M”—Madagascar? Morocco? Mamaroneck? Malaysia? (No, wait, that’s Sri Lanka now, right? Or is Madagascar Sri Lanka? Oh, to be like Simon and know these things like the back of my hand!)