Terry Bozzio is one of the three or four most likable rock ’n’ roll musicians I’ve ever met, and the only one with his own recipe for pesto sauce.

Terry Bozzio is one of the three or four most likable rock ’n’ roll musicians I’ve ever met, and the only one with his own recipe for pesto sauce. And I’d give my unborn son...well, the contents of my wallet...to be able to drum as he does. So I hate to say it. But it’s Eleganza’s job to say it, so say it I must, and will. No rock ’n’ roll performer—not Bobby Rydell, Jerry Garcia nor any member of such sensationally hideous groups as Molly Hatchet, Canned Heat, .38 Special, the Pretty Things, Motorhead, no one—has ever looked worse, be it on TV or cinema screen, album cover, single sleeve, or videotape than Dale Bozzio looks in Missing Persons’ video of “Give.”
But on to more pleasant subjects. I’ve said before and I’ll say again that I’m much more inclined to celebrate this column’s readers than to ridicule the likes of poor Dale Bozzio and other top faves of the MTV age. But I can’t do it unless you’ll send me photos of your notably attired self or your favorite group.