A couple of months ago Eleganza invited its devoted readership to send in photographs of themselves for possible publication.

A couple of months ago Eleganza invited its devoted readership to send in photographs of themselves for possible publication. Careers in modeling beckoned, if not in major motion pictures. Response was overwhelming, and a veritable battalion of freelance fashion experts had to be hired—at no little personal expense to the author—to sort through endless truckloads of letters and photographs, many of them taken—at no little personal expense to those photographed — by top professional lenspersons.
Now, at last, though, we have a winner, the fetching and fabulous Ms. Gail Warning from Anytown, USA (she forgot to enclose her return address, not to mention such vital facts as age, race, height, weight, creed, color). What she didn't neglect to mention—and how—is her devotion to the music of a local Anytown group called the Chesterfield Kings, who wear their hair as Brian Jones did in 1965 and who, if their music is as droll as their name, are a group to watch and listen for in the months to come.