Like most good disciples, Little Steven and the Disciples Of Soul have several important missions to accomplish on earth, and one of these is to update the rock ’n’ roll lifestyle for the 1980s.

Like most good disciples, Little Steven and the Disciples Of Soul have several important missions to accomplish on earth, and one of these is to update the rock ’n’ roll lifestyle for the 1980s. In their gypsy/outlaw gear (an assort-
ment of bandannas, headbands, earrings and long black raincoats with the band’s insignia on the back), the Disciples look more like a gang of New York street thugs than they do professional musicians, so it’s hilarious to see the bewildered glances they receive from the clientele at Dearborn’s Hyatt Regency Hotel, where I’m first introduced to this motley crew. Obviously the guests at this elite Michigan inn aren’t used to the odd sight of, among other things, a black man with a peroxided Mohawk haircut, and they certainly must associate these characters with all the dark things they’ve heard about rock ’n’ rolldrugs, violence and “God, imagine what must go on in their hotel rooms!”