In the Kingdom of Squeak, the shriek that pummels eardrums to mush reigns supreme. Heavy Metal is the shriek that bleeds, that rips, that forces innocent babes under the bed in terror until it goes away. Heavy Metal is that “lost" plutonium, the shriek of the mutilated and chemically scarred, the forever-altered chromosomes of the Children Of Rarn, it is the music that unites the Cosmic Children under the Atomic Cloud of Screech.
In the Kingdom of Squeak, the shriek that pummels eardrums to mush reigns supreme. Heavy Metal is the shriek that bleeds, that rips, that forces innocent babes under the bed in terror until it goes away. Heavy Metal is that “lost" plutonium, the shriek of the mutilated and chemically scarred, the forever-altered chromosomes of the Children Of Rarn, it is the music that unites the Cosmic Children under the Atomic Cloud of Screech. Death to those who violate it, who eat the Head Of The Bat, who do not heed the Sacred Noise and Unholy Wail.