Confessions of a FILM FOX
Brit War Update! Despite the British/Argentinian festivities of the spring, the number one box office hit in Buenos Aires is the Brit-made Chariots Of Fire! Those wacky gauchos don’t care what they watch. Meanwhile, Elton John announced he’d be entertaining the troops instead of Bob Hope.

Confessions of a FILM FOX
Brit War Update! Despite the British/Argentinian festivities of the spring, the number one box office hit in Buenos Aires is the Brit-made Chariots Of Fire! Those wacky gauchos don’t care what they watch. Meanwhile, Elton John announced he’d be entertaining the troops instead of Bob Hope. Spud factory update: Tanya Tucker is forgetting that old coot Glen Campbell with young ’tater Jimmy Van Patten, decades closer to her own age group. Jacqueline Bisset and her leggy beau, Russian ballet star Alexander Godunov, should have had their June wedding by the . time you read this. When queried on the difference between Russian and American women, Alexander cooed “All over the world, they are just women—wonderful!” Not too many Bissets in Bozoville, we’d venture...