"DR. DRAKE, WHAT HAVE YOU WROUGHT?" DEPT. Following the example of Rick Springfield and General Hospital, other rock stars have decided to trade in their microphones for a sleazy love affair on the afternoon soaps. Bee Gee Maurice Gibb has signed to appear on two upcoming episodes of The Guiding Light.

"DR. DRAKE, WHAT HAVE YOU WROUGHT?" DEPT. Following the example of Rick Springfield and General Hospital, other rock stars have decided to trade in their microphones for a sleazy love affair on the afternoon soaps. Bee Gee Maurice Gibb has signed to appear on two upcoming episodes of The Guiding Light. Maurice will portray—what else?-a pop singer, and those in the know ay his role will probably be expanded beyond the initial two episodes. Even stranger is the fact that everyon's favorite crazies, the 8-52's, are set to dance their mess around on the same afternoon show. No truth, however, to rumors that David Byrne will portray the title role in a soap revival of Young Doctor Malone, though The Young And The Rest Homes remains a possibility...