Living rock legend Jerry Lee Lewis, 45, was operated on for a stomach perforation at Memphis Methodist Hospital on June 30. Lewis was rushed to the hospital by ambulance from his Nesbit, Mississippi ranch I where he’d been vomiting blood and complaining of severe stomach pains.

Living rock legend Jerry Lee Lewis, 45, was operated on for a stomach perforation at Memphis Methodist Hospital on June 30. Lewis was rushed to the hospital by ambulance from his Nesbit, Mississippi ranch I where he’d been vomiting blood and complaining of severe stomach pains. His condition deteriorated following surgery, and doctors were forced to perform yet another five hour emergency operation to remove stomach abcesses. Lewis was listed in “extremely critical condition” and given a 50-50 chance of survival following his second surgery. Fortunately, his condition had improved from “critical" to “serious” as CREEM went to press.