U.X.A.—Illusions Of Grandeur (Posh Boy):: Like the Nuns, U.X.A. are a great zenithof-punk band outta foggy/shmoggy California, more or less (singer De De Troit's name testifies to the potent origins she's continued to draw on, even after being coughed up in fantastic L.A.).

U.X.A.—Illusions Of Grandeur (Posh Boy):: Like the Nuns, U.X.A. are a great zenithof-punk band outta foggy/shmoggy California, more or less (singer De De Troit's name testifies to the potent origins she's continued to draw on, even after being coughed up in fantastic L.A.). and again like the Nuns, the record industry reajly shoulda spent some money on releasing U.X.A. long before now, instead of pouring all those big bucks into 'correcting' Juice Newton's overbite. Anyway, a proud indie label came thru with U.X.A. for us, so help yourself to these speedy, clashing, incredibly angry '77-style punks, complete with the shrill De De Troit vocals that make U.X.A. sound like nouveau-Dead Boys with a sex-changed Stiv Bators (which he may be if he keeps hanging around with Divine) at the helm. Except that U.X.A. are even more morbidly compulsive about clawing away the entrails of their bitterly Catholic souls, lyrically speaking. Not for the faint-eared. R.R.\