Talking Head Tina Weymonth is recording a solo album at CdmpassPoint Studios in the Bahamas, In addition to husband and fellow Head Chris Frants on drums, the LP will feature Jamaican super session men Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare, vocals will be handled by Weymouth and her two sisters, who appeared as the Sweatbreaths on Pear Of Music, Does this mean a Talking Heads split? Have no fear.

Talking Head Tina Weymonth is recording a solo album at CdmpassPoint Studios in the Bahamas, In addition to husband and fellow Head Chris Frants on drums, the LP will feature Jamaican supersession men Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare, vocals will be handled by Weymouth and her two sisters, who appeared as the Sweatbreaths on Pear Of Music, Does this mean a Talking Heads split? Have no fear. •The entire band entered the studio in Aprilto begin work on their next LP. .