Clash Vs. Led Zeppelin!!!
An increasingly large part of our Mail Dept, letters are devoted to some “Clash vs. Led Zeppelin” battle.

Due to the fact that an increasingly large part of our Mail Dept, letters are devoted to some “Clash vs. Led Zeppelin” battle that started—and currently exists—in our readers’ minds, we decided to have two representatives of this cultural war meet in our offices and have a verbal showdown, once and for all, in the [admittedly futile] hopes that it would cut down somewhat on the volume of the C vs. Z mail. Where would this all erid? When the Clash ydnquished Led Zeppelin—or vice versa—would the winner then proceed to wrestle with Pink Floyd? Then who? Burl Ives? At any rate, Janie Jones appears here wearing the Clash colors, and Geddy Lee Roth argues for the Led Zeppelin side. Whether this settles any of this or is simply more randorp dog barks in the neighborhood of huh? is for you, dear reader to decide. [And we have to get our sofa cleaned... ] ‘
JANIE JONES: “Yeah, man...let’s listen to some really heavy Zep jams and go to 711 for some cheap wine, which we will drink until we puke, while we tear up and down the strip making old ladies cry with our powerful $39.95 Realistic speakers, which proves once and for all that we are real men with big wongs who go for real, heavy music. We’re men enough to grow our hair long and filthy down our backs, just like our older brothers did in the good old 60’s. Hendrix lives, man...” Sound familiar? Yeah, it’s your typical slobbering Zeppelin fan...