Very strange news: Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman have left Yes, Wakeman for the second time but lead-chirper Anderson for the very first. Anderson, you see, has enjoyed some degree of success with keyboardist Vangelis and perhaps felt the need to desert Yes’s sinking ship.

Very strange news: Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman have left Yes, Wakeman for the second time but lead-chirper Anderson for the very first. Anderson, you see, has enjoyed some degree of success with keyboardist Vangelis and perhaps felt the need to desert Yes’s sinking ship. Wakeman plans to tour on his own. Stranger news: Anderson & Wakeman have been replaced by Geoff Downes and Trevor Horn, better known as the Buggles, who hit it bio in the U.K. with “Video Killed The Radio Star." Joining the Buggies will be regular Yessers Chris Squire, Steve Howe and Alan White. The end of an era? Hey, who cares?