August 1, 1980

Gee, Mr, McCartney, you hair sure looks nice. Gosh, I’ve never seen such a big violin. It’s a bass guitar? Golly, Mr. McCartney , where’s Mrs. McCartney? Is she sick or something? Is she at a PTA meeting? I’m sorry to hear that, Mr. McCartney. What’s a “royalty” check? You related to the Queen? Oh, I get it! Holy smokes! You mean Mrs. McCartney spent all your money on that? Don't worry, Mr. McCartney, I won't tell anyone. Is that why you're dressed like a dope? Gee, I'm sorry, Mr. McCartney, I'll never say that word again, I promise! Geez, don't cry, Mr. McCartney, at least it didn't happen in Japan...