Unsung Heroes Of Rock ‘n’ Roll
In life, one encounters very few truths of the absolute sort.

In life, one encounters very few truths of the absolute sort. The sages of Hellas enumerate but three. The first: Everything flows, nothing abides. The second: Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile. The third: All things can be reduced to moisture, whence they came. A fourth truth has been often attributed to Thales of Miletus, Whether this attribution is valid or not is of little matter, since the alleged truth was disproven two years ago by several brave women wearing Undie-Leggs. I, for one, applaud them. Kudos, the works.
But the-sages of HeHas knew nothing of the song whose title is “Drinkin’ Wine, Spo-Dee-O-Dee”; nor did they know that this song inspired more great recordings than any other song in the history of what people OR television refer to as the rock ’n’ roll field. We must excuse the sages, for they passed on long before the song we speak of; long, even, before television itself.