From the Iggy desk comes David Bowie's professed reaction to Jimmy O's new band incorporating Fred "Sonic"Smithet al: "The most defiant band I've ever heard." with an uacances from touring Europe withlg, Sonic amused himeself back home in Detroit sparring with his ex-MC-5 band members; notably Ron Asheton.

From the Iggy desk comes David Bowie's professed reaction to Jimmy O's new band incorporating Fred "Sonic"Smithet al: "The most defiant band I've ever heard." with an uacances from touring Europe withlg, Sonic amused himeself back home in Detroit sparring with his ex-MC-5 band members; notably Ron Asheton. Sonic was visiting at Rode Action's parents' house when R.A. blurted out that he thought Sonic was | "neglecting the local scene." Fred S responded by "throwing" R. Ai ,* across the room (What, in slow ¶ motion? These guys could really hurt each dfheiiBl