Rewire Yourself
Basement Basic: The Home Studio
Within the last few years a new classification has been born in the audio field—semi-pro.

Within the last few years a new classification has been born in the audio field—semi-pro. While in the past the term has been mostly applied to sports, its use in audio is both difficult to define and necessary. Basically, the semi-pro is an audiophile not content with conventional "set it and forget it" audio products; he and she want to tinker with the music. Perhaps the best example of a semi-pro is a young technical and tinkering musician.
When we were kids, we sang into microphones and«"performed" for family, friends and posterity; The equipment is now available for us to record much more professionally. In fact, several groups on the make have invested in semi-pro equipment rather than the stiff prices ($50 and up per hour) for studio time. They make demo tapes the way moonshiners made bathtub gin. The results are as variable. That means if you start with talent and have some engineering ability (that's dexterity and talent, not slide rules and calculators) , you can come out with something pretty close to a "professional" demo. You can also come out with a tape that will delight your friends, neighbors and amaze your grandchildren.