Letter From Britain
The Shapes Of Things To Come
Rush arrived this month—heavy metal, heavy manners.

Rush arrived this month—heavy metal, heavy manners. They didn't like us much—too welfare soft and idle; we didn't like them at all—too stupid, too rich. The shape, I guess, of some of the things to come: laissez-faire rock, the triumph of will.
What's happening here is an election campaign. Sometime soon—either October or next Spring—we're going to have a Nixon regime of our own. The Conservatives are in favor of law 'n' order and the family; they're against blacks, gays, hoodlums and lying around smoking dope. When she wins (she will, she will), Ms. Thatcher is gonna lead the move back to domesticity and hard work. Good news for small businessmen like Rush, bad news for PUicS'?nd hiPPies and me.