Imagine it! Eighteen zillion people gathered in one place under the mistaken impression that they'll see one hip rock show, hang out, drink beer, smoke dope, and sit on their vans, when in reality they are to be dumped in a large vat as a sacrificial offering to M-E-A-T L-O-A-F!!!!
Imagine it! Eighteen zillion people gathered in one place under the mistaken impression that they'll see one hip rock show, hang out, drink beer, smoke dope, and sit on their vans, when in reality they are to be dumped in a large vat as a sacrificial offering to M-E-A-T L-O-A-F!!!! Epic Records will spare no expense to make sure the big bimbo has his recommended hourly allowance of protein. Minutes before the gruesome spectacle took place, we conducted these hippies-on-the-scene interviews: Why did you come to the California Jam?