Rewire Yourself
More Watts For Less!
Audio is about to take a quantum leap forward.

Audio is about to take a quantum leap forward. Generally speaking, what happens in audio, as in many other fields, is that fashion changes and we come full circle with better technology we've seen this happen with power amplifiers over the last dozen years or so. When tubed units ruled the audiophile's roost, power was the name of the game. In some cases it was a child's game in comparison to what's available now, but 50 watt amplifiers replaced 40 watt units and the champion (for a while) was the huge (and heavy) 100 watt monster. Then transistors came in and we went back to moderate power sizes. Over the last few years we've seen 400 and 500 watt amps and receivers with not much less power enter the market.
Much the same can be said of speakers and their styles. Once reflex speakers dominated the market and then they gave way to air suspension speakers, typified by Acoustic Research models. Now, reflex speakers are again coming into favor and around we go again.