Extension Chords

A New Axe To Grind

“Hot ‘Lanta” was the scene of the 1977 NAMM (National Association of Musician Merchandisers) International Music Exposition.

September 1, 1977
Bill Parsley

“Hot ‘Lanta” was the scene of the 1977 NAMM (National Association of Musician Merchandisers) International Music Exposition. Hundreds of booths and displays filled the Georgia World Congress Center, with each occupant boasting of its state of the art contribution to music technology. I strolled for hours gazing at more'guitars and basses than were believed to exist in the civilized world. I began to fantasize about the fog of confusion that must hamper the novice about to spend his life savings on that “special axe.” Well, if you fall into this category, take heart! This year’s show featured some honey dews!Since I’m in a public position and have great influence over the masses, I’m going to tell you about some of the bonafide best axes now being manufactured. Besides...I can use the good karma.

DEAN GUITARS (2125 xDewey, Evanston, IL 60201) have taken some old ideas to new triumphs in beauty and playing ease. There are three body shapes available: the classic “V” and “Explorer” shape, as well as a futuristic design known only as “ML.” All are topped with a highly figurative, matched Curlee maple 2-piece top reminiscent of the superb Sunburst models I saw and were closer to an old Les Paul than any guitar manufactured in recent years. DiMarzio super distortion pickup and Grover tuning‘machines are stock equipment.

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