ROCK STARS ARE JUST LIKE YOU AND ME: When Nils Lofgren decided to cover main squeeze Keith Richard's "Happy" on his new I Came To Dance disc, since he was going to print lifter notes on the album sleeve, he had to find out exactly what Keith was muttering-uhsinging.
ROCK STARS ARE JUST LIKE YOU AND ME: When Nils Lofgren decided to cover main squeeze Keith Richard's "Happy" on his new I Came To Dance disc, since he was going to print lifter notes on the album sleeve, he had to find out exactly what Keith was muttering-uhsinging. Turns out there was an Anglo-American language gap; what Nib thought was "Never kept a daughter past sunset" was actually "Never kept a dollar past sunset", -"Always had a hard in my pants"—actually Keith is singing "It always burnt a hole in my pants". Iss owlrawt, though—Nils has kept his, version of the song—wrong lyrics and all—intact. The Stones don't mind.