Letter From Britain
Punks, Weeds And The Irish Question
I've decided to believe in punk rock after all.
February 1, 1977
I've decided to believe in punk rock after all. EMI have signed the Sex Pistols and I ain't about to be outcooled by those dumboes. The Sun had a center spread on THIS NEW PHENOMENON and pix of all the kids in their safety pins. Safety pins!?!?!? What sort of phenomenon is this, I ask, as it spreads from London and produces the best music paper ever called Sniffin ' Glue. It was Sniffin' Glue that convinced me. Mick, who plays with a punk band called Clash, explained to the mag about Americans: "They don't know what the fuckin' dole is, where as we're down the hole anyway, coppin' our monev off Rod Stewart's taxes!"
Nice one Mick and I hope you get a good whack.