“There’s a lot of difference between being in the studio, or sitting around your hotel room and sweating it out onstage every night for two hours,” Keith said.

“There’s a lot of difference between being in the studio, or sitting around your hotel room and sweating it out onstage every night for two hours,” Keith said. “The band plays every night and the musicians trim off all excess flab...all the bullshit. And you end up with the basic fundamentals glowing brightly. ”
“I don’t consider myself the best rock star and I never have,” said Mick Jagger. “There are a lot of people who are good, and since I’m not really interested in white rock and roll I never go and see ’em.” But you do, you’ve seen Clapton, and Zeppelin, and Bowie. “Well, to be honest, I’m checking out the sound systems,” Jagger laughed. “I’m sure there are people who are better than I am, there must be, because I’m not very good. But I don’t really care. The Rolling Stones have never said they were the best rock and roll band or the greatest, ever. If you can find me a quote where we said we were...”