MICK JAGGER: “I Can Get It Up, But I Can’t Get It Down”
Of course, Mick Jagger was talking about flying the twin-engine Cessna which had brought him into the Marine Air Terminal in New York's LaGuardia Airport from Montauk, 120 miles away at the eastern tip of Long Island and which, he said, he had piloted himself.

Of course, Mick Jagger was talking about flying the twin-engine Cessna which had brought him into the Marine Air Terminal in New York's LaGuardia Airport from Montauk, 120 miles away at the eastern tip of Long Island and which, he said, he had piloted himself. "We were stacked up for half an hour, circling at 1800 feet. We just missed the twin towers [of the World Trade Center]."
Jagger had flown in to do four interviews, Casually, on the eve of the Rolling Stones" latest assault on America. And, in fact, he exhibited some of the feeling of a general on the eve of battle. Dressed in a red and white striped velour t-shirt and tan denim pants, Jagger seemed at ease, but he wasn't giving out much information^ about specific Stones strategy and tac-j tics. Though you couldn't tell what was^ really going' on behind his mirror sunglasses, could any man with those lips be completely dishonest? Sure.