CHER - Stars (Warner Bros.)::It might have sold a million in the days when she sang harmonies and wrote answers to pre-teens about parents and pimples, but Cher has risen above that audience. Now she tries to appeal to those who expect a little talent and this album shows few signs of it.

CHER - Stars (Warner Bros.)::It might have sold a million in the days when she sang harmonies and wrote answers to pre-teens about parents and pimples, but Cher has risen above that audience. Now she tries to appeal to those who expect a little talent and this album shows few signs of it. Exactly who is her audience may be the problem. Teeny-boppers don’t relate to ostentatious veneer, women are tired of being 'labeled jealous, and old men won’t let on that they may be “dirty.” If she plans to stay on top by giving young guys something to ogle, then she had best stop making albums and stick to TV appearances ’cause it’s not her voice that’s attracting them and time has a way of wrinkling even the best of us.