I’m a sucker for favorite-oldies albums.

JOHN LENNON Rock ‘N’ Roll (Apple)
I’m a sucker for favorite-oldies albums; I always look forward to them once I’ve heard they’re in the works, and the guarantee of dissatisfaction that comes stamped in the grooves of virtually every one of them (exceptions: the Band’s Moondog Matinee, Bowie’s marvelous Pinups) hasn’t dimmed my hopes. The formula is all too obvious: established singer (rarely group) has reached a plateau, wants a rest, but has record due (possible) or has fallen flat on his face and has nothing to say (more likely - one revered English legend is planning a set called I’m Dry); solution -duck into the studio with The Regulars (the people who really make careers out of Mad Dogs & Englishmen) plus whoever’s hot and expensive (Willie Weeks this week), lay it down, put it out. If you’re lucky it’ll carry you for six months. By that time you’ll be ready to act like a genius again.