The Heavy Metal Humility Of Joe Walsh

Joe Walsh is curiously indifferent about success. He gives you the impression that he has long outgrown awkwardness, but has never gotten used to felicity. Joe Walsh still sees himself as a swan in duck’s clothing.
Bluntly, the man underestimates himself, but luckily there are many who would disagree. Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, and Peter Townshend are among his .most notable fans, with the latter publicly declaring his admiration, admitting that he wished he was able to acheive the same perfection as Walsh’s onstage sound. Humble Pie tried to lure him from the James Gang when Peter Frampton quit, but Joe refused, only to leave the Gang a short time later for personal reasons. That was a move that the band never recovered from, relentlessly trying to recapture the winning chemistry they possessed when Walsh was with them.