Since that fateful night Bowie hit Radio City with a funkadelic thud last November, I’ve been dreading this album’s release.

DAVID BOWIE Young Americans (RCA)
Since that fateful night Bowie hit Radio City with a funkadelic thud last November, I’ve been dreading this album’s release. Could it be Dave’s decided to bite the hand that feeds, post-Diamond Dogs? He can warble “Nothing’s gonna change my world” on Young Americans to his ego’s titillation, but I fear the irrevocable worst is upon us: Bowie’s thrown in the towel on rock and concept music, preferring to boogie down to prosperity instead. Okay, Dave... shortchange us perfervid dupes who put stock in ya, even though we knew your financial intentions all along and considered it fine because only fools don’t worry ’bout making a buck.