ALVIN LEE: Speed Fingers With A New Grip
I admit it. The first line of this article was written a week before the concert.

I admit it. The first line of this article was written a week before the concert: “Having assured us all most emphatically at Woodstock that he was ‘Goin’ Home,’ old butter fingers is back . .. Well, it was a waste of time and talent. The fact is that Alvin Lee has just broken a precedent: not only is he back, but he’s also better than ever. Claws in. Next victim, please.
So Alvin’s back. Who isn’t? But it’s news this time. He’s doing what Eric Clapton wanted to do: sacrificing lone star status to be one of the boys. The difference is that Alvin Lee has a strong and spirited bunch of musicians to play with. They don’t kowtow, and he has found strength in the challenge. He has to work for his riffs, and he burns brighter with every exchange. The final few moments of every song are explosive, but never fear. Alvin is in control how. It’s no longer how many notes he can play that counts; he’s out to prove how well he . can play them. Quality over quantity at last.