Utopia Dreamin With Todd Rundgren
Turnback Inn, Mellier is an address located somewhere in the author's anterior lobe. Todd Rundgren entered Mr. Stein’s mind via interview in Chicago recently and somehow ended up in those darker recesses where stands the aforementioned extremely gothic roadhouse.

Turnback Inn, Mellier is an address located somewhere in the author's anterior lobe. Todd Rundgren entered Mr. Stein’s mind via interview in Chicago recently and somehow ended up in those darker recesses where stands the aforementioned extremely gothic roadhouse.
TURNBACK INN, Mellier - “I’m only in this position that I’m in now because I’ve taken control of myself as a person,” said Todd Rundgren. “Not because I’m just me and happened to fall into this lucky break. And everyone who’s in this position has done that to a certain extent, but some of them do it in blindness. And they wake up later and think, ‘How the fuck did I get here?’ ”