THE HOUSE THAT VANISHED (Hallmark):: No, The Last House on the Left, Don’t Look In the Basement, The Horrible Old House on the Hill, and The House That Vanished aren’t all on the same block, but they do belong in the same neighborhood. All are thin excuses to bring you the maximum of suspense and slaughter with the least amount of plot.

THE HOUSE THAT VANISHED (Hallmark):: No, The Last House on the Left, Don’t Look In the Basement, The Horrible Old House on the Hill, and The House That Vanished aren’t all on the same block, but they do belong in the same neighborhood. All are thin excuses to bring you the maximum of suspense and slaughter with the least amount of plot. The major trouble with this movie is that the house never vanished. The location in question is the scene of a brutal knife murder which our heroine and her boyfriend witness by accident; they were breaking and entering at the time. Although The House That Vanished is a cut above the hack-a-minute movies that preceded its release, it is still a disappointing rewrite of a made for TV movie, complete with the typically leggy English blonde.