JACK BRUCE - Out of the Storm (RSO) ●● Purely prejudicial on my part I admit, but a) I didn’t think Jack Bruce was worth much of a shit even in Cream either compositionally or especially as a singer - in fact about all he did in the latter department was make it possible for Ozzy Osbourne to cut him at his own strident ineptitude; and, b) I think Steve Hunter is one of the finest guitarists alive today, got my vote in CREEM’s latest Readers’ Poll, and did more than many people realize to help break Lou Reed, via his work on Rock ‘n Roll Animal, through to the American heartland Thus it's only obvious' why I’m so disheartened by this album that I refuse to ever listen to it again;

ROCK& #x25CF; A ● RAMA
JACK BRUCE - Out of the Storm (RSO) ●● Purely prejudicial on my part I admit, but a) I didn’t think Jack Bruce was worth much of a shit even in Cream either compositionally or especially as a singer - in fact about all he did in the latter department was make it possible for Ozzy Osbourne to cut him at his own strident ineptitude; and, b) I think Steve Hunter is one of the finest guitarists alive today, got my vote in CREEM’s latest Readers’ Poll, and did more than many people realize to help break Lou Reed, via his work on Rock ‘n Roll Animal, through to the American heartland Thus it's only obvious' why I’m so disheartened by this album that I refuse to ever listen to it again; it’s Jack’s show, he hogs everything, his songs have actually gotten worse, and he barely lets Steve get in even a single good lick, much less one of those elegantly burning solos he’s renowned for. Steve said he didn’t mlnd ft that way, regarded it as a certain healthy discipline to play some rhythm for a change. 1 regard it as a waste.