Were the members of the Who half so fertile and productive collectively as they are individually, they would undoubtedly be the most prolific, as well as one of the best, rock bands in the world.

Were the members of the Who half so fertile and productive collectively as they are individually, they would undoubtedly be the most prolific, as well as one of the best, rock bands in the world. Unfortunately, solo albums, individual tours, movies and general hanky-panky have rent them asunder for the time being, although all four deny that they’re separating permanently.
For straight-ahead facts about the group, untouched by the philosophies of Townshend, the inanities and insanities of Moon, or the passions and pets of Daltrey, we are left with large, stolid John Entwistle. Maybe his message isn’t any more reliable, but it’s certainly more lucid. Entwistle, in person as on stage, is nothing if not straight-forward.