
Conan The Barbarian

In the old days the comics were drawn' by a small group of dedicated artists who thought they were entertaining kids. Today, most of the undergrounds and most of the exceptional overgrounds are being written and drawn by young, aware, serious storytellers for other young adults.

February 1, 1973
Mike Baron

“That comics were participating factors in juvenile delinquency and in some cases, juvenile suicide, that they inspired experiments, a la Superman, in free-fall flight which could only end badly, that they Were, in general, a corrupting influence, glorifying crime and depravity — can only, in all fairness, be answered: ‘But of course. Why else read them?’ ...Comic books, first of all, are junk.” (Jules Feiffer, The Great Comic Book Heroes)

“Instead of seizing the opportunity to exploit outstanding individual stories to the maximum, American publishers created mass-production art shops to milk the talents of the creators, who used their often immense talents to bring transient life to too many stories too hastily written and too quickly drawn to endure beyond their newsstand date. Book publication was not even contemplated. The work of some of the most remarkable creators of our time was bought and sold as trash, and the real money-making potentials of their extraordinary inventions, mythlike creations who reflect the modern psyche in a way no other literary conceptions do, have been utterly thrown away.” (John Righter in Graphic Story World No. 7)

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