Christianity as rock and roll!!

�There�s so much shit in Jerusalem, you�re bound to step in some of it� -an ancient albino
The first thing Tom O�Horgan did when he got the cast of the Broadway production of �Jesus Christ Superstar� together in the rehearsal studio was have Jeff Fenholt, a, would you believe, college singing major?? strip down to his Fruit of the Loom and smear avocado honey all over him. Then he had the other players, refugees all from an entity known as �the cast of �Hair�� (a long long time ago, 1968 I believe it was, this friend of mine John Prescott was the p.r. man for Michael Butler and his job was to send �the cast of �Hair�� to press parties so the columnists could all report the next day, �And the cast of �Hair� was there sampling the delights of� whatever; but anyway:), get down on their paws, blindfolded, and surround Fenholt and lick the honey off him. For as it was written, there came a blind man unto Jesus, a Galilean, who knelt before him and said, �Restore my sight, if thou art truly the Son of Man,� and Jesus answered, saying, �Lick mah decals off, bay-ay-buh!� And the Galilean arose and licked His decals off and the heavens opened before his eyes and there appeared before him in a ring of fire, a certified check drawn to his order on the account of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers in the amount of $4.8 million dollars and he cried out, saying, �Now that�s what I call total theater!�