For some months, persistant rumors of guerrilla activity in the High Sierra had been going around the Bay Area.
For some months, persistant rumors of guerrilla activity in the High Sierra had been going around the Bay Area — rumors that the Midnight Raiders — a group of militant, highly-trained revolutionaries — were planning a series of strikes aimed directly at the “pig record companies and rip-off FM radio stations.” I tried to make contact with the Raiders, but nothing came down. Underground newspsper contacts advised me that it would be impossible for a member of the press to penetrate the liberated territory. Still, I put out the word whenever I could: I wanted to speak with a representative of the guerrillas, and would submit to any security measures necessary.
After six months of hassling, when the contact was made it was quite matter-of-fact. I was to leave immediately for Yosemite Valley, establish a campsite, and wait; I would be contacted again..