A Night In The Berkeley Barrooms
Social Lubrication in the East Bay

Berkeley. Site of the University of California. Home of thousands and thousands of young people who, for the most part, are exactly the same kind of young people you find on any campus — more specifically any California campus. It is possible to drive down Fraternity Row even this far into the Age of Aquarius and hear the old beer parties and gangbangs taking place, although those with strong olfactory abilities will also detect herbifumaceous activities — albeit covert ones — taking place in the immediate area.
There is a tremendous amount of energy in Berkeley, perhaps because of the youthfulness of its average residents, and thus events there can be seen to be invested with all manner of Deeper Significance. Because the energy is in large part free-floating, qauses come to be supported with uncommon zeal, and this has led many people to suppose that The Very Revolution has already started in Berkeley, little realizing that the bodies that put themselves on the line during demonstrations have their energies drained by court cases, long meetings at which ideology and even more