The Motown Variations
A last ditch attempt to salvage something from the most influential people from the Motor City since Edsel Ford and Little Willie John.

DETROIT — Everyone returns home sooner or later .... even stars who have left their roots to head for more fertile pastures, like the Copa and Vegas. Less than an exception, Motown is an archetype of that premise.
This year, some of the very best came back, proving, at least for the jive white kids who teethed on it too, that the Broadway approach to soul just doesn’t quite cut it. Not that any show with Martha and the Vandellas, the Chairmen of the Board, and Jr. Walker and his raunchy All-Stars paving the way for the slick sweetness of Mr. MOtown himself, Smokey Robinson, could be without its excitements. Still, for anyone who’s looking for funk with their finesse, the Tamla. titans are nothing short of the biggest disappointment in rock history.