Winter Soldier Investigation
"Brothers and sisters the time has come to testify"

Nick Medvecky, 28, is currently a staff member of the Fifth Estate and a journalism major at Wayne State University. He was managing editor of the Wayne State daily, The South End in the 68-69 academic year. In August and September of 1969, and again in 1970, he traveled to the Mid-East and covered the conflict in Lebanon, Syria, and Occupied Palestine (Israel). He has written on a variety of political subjects, including GIs and Veterans, as he is a former member of the 101st Airborne (paratroopers) himself.
DETROIT — “Like the Winter Soldiers of 1776 — who stayed after they had served their time — we veterans of Vietnam know that America is in grave danger. What threatens our country is not Red Coats, nor even Reds. It is our crimes that are destroying our national unity by separating those of our country who deplore these acts from those of our countrymen who refuse to examine what is being done in America’s name.”