Brother Love Offed
NEW YORK—The ABC network of FM stations, long the bane of the progressive rock radio scene with its douse Love format, is making all sorts of moves in the right direction. They’ve hired Larry Yurdin, formerly head of the Alternative Media Project (CREEM, Vol. 2, No. 14) as national production director for the entire group of stations and are busy making plans to move towards more community orientation in several key areas.

Brother Love Offed
NEW YORK—The ABC network of FM stations, long the bane of the progressive rock radio scene with its douse Love format, is making all sorts of moves in the right direction. They’ve hired Larry Yurdin, formerly head of the Alternative Media Project (CREEM, Vol. 2, No. 14) as national production director for the entire group of stations and are busy making plans to move towards more community orientation in several key areas.