The Joe Cocker Show...Mad Dogs And Englishmen
The Discovery of Canina, A Most Special Pet (and, coincidentally, Leon Russell, A Most Special Musician)
Standing at the side of the Eastown stage talking to Cocker choirmember Nicol Blay, Joe Cocker looked as unprepossessing as he ever did, offstage. Still the same tie-dyed sweatshirt, still the same paisleycarpet boots; still the same amazing voice and still the same diffidence. “Do you think people will dig it?”, he asked softly.
Considering what he’d just managed to pull off at a rehearsal, the questin was a bit superfluous. Sure, we’ve all seen big bands before, the Bee Gees toured with a forty piece orchestra once; but never before has there been a twenty-piece rock and roll band. Twenty people doesn’t seem staggering until you’ve seen them all at once, standing on a stage where you’re used to seeing half a dozen at most.