
Well, what have we here? Another Rocky Roily Paper? I certainly hope not. In fact, it probably isn’t. It’s probably going to be more of a general rap sheet, using Rock as a starting point. I think that so far, most rock papers have failed to give us very much that is meaningful.

April 1, 1969


Well, what have we here? Another Rocky Roily Paper? I certainly hope not. In fact, it probably isn’t. It’s probably going to be more of a general rap sheet, using Rock as a starting point. I think that so far, most rock papers have failed to give us very much that is meaningful. The “Critics” in particular have been a complete waste of paper and ink. So I hope thispaper Will be able to avoid that hang-up. The “Chosen Few” have failed so completely that I can’t think of even one that I enjoy reading. The taste makers.of the New Rock Establishment afe still playing the same old games. They are far too impressed with own power. The fad is the thing. Make ‘em and break ‘em. The pattern so far has been to hype a new talent, and then, when the artist makes it big, to tear them down. It’s the whole In and Out game; If Bloomfield was a great guitarist when he. first recorded with Dylan and started to play with Butterfield, then why is he being put down so much now? His playing has improved, if anything, but now it’s considered hip to bumrap him. No wonder he’s so spaced out. The critics forced Janis Joplin to dump the Holding Company. They were potentially one of the best guitar-based S. F; style groups in the country, but the critics decreed that she should have a Memphis-styje “Soul” band. She has made that move and apparently is bombing. Watch the Rolling Stone and the other places where the critics write. The next trip (I predict) will be to bumrap . Janis for stabbing her . friends in the back, selling out, and going commercial, f

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